Saturday, September 27, 2008


A knock on the chambers of my heart
One glance in that direction. Frozen.
Knowing I must turn my gaze away
And return to the one who sits enthroned.
Wrestling with the enchantment of my desire.
Hesitating, I shift my eyes back to the King.
No. I am not disappointed at who I see.
He is enthroned with supreme wisdom and grace
And clothes me with garments of love.
In Him I find protection,
And in Him I am defended.
No need for fear and self-defense,
For here I find rest and peace.
Free from worry and angst,
My troubles are stilled,
And my load is light.
No need for control.
No need to prove myself.
For the King has already proclaimed, "Yes."
Yes, I am accepted.
Yes, I measure up.
Yes, she is adored and honored.
Yes, she is beauty.
Yes, she is fulfilled in love.
Yes, she has power and value.
Yes, she has significance and purpose.
She has freedom to be.
She has freedom to live.
I am her Sustainer, Victor, Provider, Everlasting Peace, Healer, Counselor, Defender, and Lover.
Need I say more?
She is spoken for.
Dare anyone speak that contradicts such truth?
For justice will be granted.
I delight in her smile and relax in her belief.
She is strong in me and will proclaim freedom to the captives.
I am her God and Master.
I am the Creator of all things and in her I live.
She is my beloved.
And in me she is secure.

1 comment:

Krystal said...

Keep 'em coming, friend:) Even from afar you've managed to help and inspire me.