Friday, November 28, 2008

It Comes.

Years of worry. Years of anguish. Years of sorting out the unsorted. Believing I had been short-changed. But to change direction in my view, I find Him there. Amidst the array of events. I find rest, for He provided. Could I really ask for more? Yet I did, and He came through. I was never alone. Now, a grateful heart. Abundantly he gave. His presence I found. Pieces of joy in the midst of night. Little love notes in the sky. He was there. Words, signs, and songs. Some say coincidence. I say, Him. Guiding my way. A lamp. Yes. He showed up. Doubt surrounded. Faith came through. Through Him. I didn't have the strength. He carried. And the healing. It's coming. It's here. It surrounds me. I'm still walking through. Completion. Not yet. But, it comes.

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